
What is the treatment?
Hair treatments generally refer to any means of managing common hair related problems such as hair fall, dryness, dandruff, frizzy hair, thinning hair, and so on. The treatments vary in terms of the problem you are suffering from because different ingredients and elements are required to tackle them. These problems can be caused to a variety of reasons such as your lifestyle, dietary habits, the products you already use for your hair, and your natural hair type. They can be treated fairly easily once you have the correct product for your hair. The types of products that can be used for hair treatments range from hair masks, shampoos and conditioners, serums, and hair oils. They are all meant for different problems and, when used appropriately, they have be highly effective. Hair shampoos and conditioners are available in a huge range. Some are designed to add moisture to your hair, while others are designed to take away excess oils. Some can be used to combat dandruff and lice while others can be used to make your hair grow faster. Certain shampoos also help with turning frizzy hair into sleek hair, getting rid of split ends, and adding shine and gloss to dull, lifeless hair. Depending on the problem you are facing, the correct shampoo must be used regularly along with its accompanying conditioner. Hair oil, on the other hand, adds moisture to your hair and helps it grow. However certain types of hair oil, such as tea tree oil or peppermint oil can be used as effective treatments for dandruff and lice as they have antibacterial properties that combat them. Hair masks and serums come in as large a variety as shampoos and can be used to combat specific hair care problems, as needed.

How is the treatment done?
Depending on the product type you are using and the problem you are facing, the treatment is administered in different ways. When it comes to using shampoos, the correct way to do so is to only use a coin sized dollop of shampoo (no matter how long your hair is) and apply it on your scalp only. This is because the properties of the shampoo should be absorbed by your scalp and not lathered on the body of your hair for it to be truly effective. The hair’s body gets cleaned naturally while the shampoo is rinsed and you can apply a little bit there but the focus should be on the scalp. Similarly, the accompanying conditioner should be used on the body of the hair, and never the scalp. You should leave it on for a minimum of five minutes for it to absorb the required nutrients before you rinse it off. Hair oils can be applied either an hour (minimum) before you wash your hair or the night before for deep conditioning. Both methods are effective. The oil should be applied onto your scalp and not slicked all over the body of the hair. The logic is the same as the one for shampoos. It is more important for the scalp to absorb the nutrients and the roots of the hair to be nourished with them rather than the body as that is a temporary treatment. You can heat the oils before applying them, or just apply them straight from the bottle as is. Coconut oil helps your hair grow faster, almond oil and argon oil makes your hair thicker, while peppermint oil and tea tree oil help with dandruff. Use as needed. Most hair masks are meant to be applied an hour before you shampoo. They are applied onto the body of the hair and must sit there for at least an hour for it to work. Similarly, hair serums are meant to be applied after the shampoo and conditioning is done and should be applied on damp hair. You do not need to rinse a serum out.

Who is eligible for the treatment? (When is the treatment done?)
Hair treatments can be used by anyone depending on the hair type. Most people use specific shampoos and conditioners for their hair in any case, and it is fairly common to use hair oils in India. No matter what your natural hair type is, you can certainly benefit from using one treatment form or another to make it better.

Who is not eligible for the treatment?
For obvious reasons, people who are bald will not really benefit from a shampoo or hair oil or any other hair treatment. For premature balding, however, there are specific treatments that can be used in order to thicken the hair and make it grow.

Are there any side effects?
There are no specific side effects to using hair treatments however, you must be careful about the type of treatment that you are using in case it does not suit you. For instance, if you already have oily hair or an oily scalp, using a shampoo that is meant to add more moisture to your locks will not really benefit you as its pretty much the opposite of what you want. You can consult with your hair care expert at the salon in case you are not sure about your hair type and the products that will suit it.

What are the post-treatment guidelines?
Taking care of your hair does not only include shampooing it or conditioning it every time you wash. You must protect it from environmental damage to make sure it’s always looking and feeling its best. Stay away from unclean areas to prevent the occurrence of lice in your hair. Similarly, you can wear a scarf over your hair if you are visiting an extremely dusty or polluted area. When going swimming, be sure to wear a swimming cap to prevent damage from chlorine. Another way to prevent damage from chlorine is to oil your hair before you swim to allow for a layer of protective coating over it. If you have recently gotten a specific procedure done to your hair such as straightening or coloring, be sure to take extra care of it as the heat from straightening and chemicals from coloring can really damage your hair and make it dry, rough, and frizzy.

How long does it take to recover?
It usually takes around a month for most treatments to fully come into effect but you will be able to see a gradual change every time you use a specific treatment. For instance, using hair masks or serums provide a noticeable change from the minute you start using them. Hair oils can have strong results from the second wash itself. By the time a month rolls around, your hair care treatments will have taken full effect. Usually, products that contain mild ingredients (which is recommended over products with harsh, fast acting ingredients) take longer to take effect, which is okay.

What is the price of the treatment in India?
Shampoos in India range from Rs 200 – Rs 500, depending on the size of the bottle and the brand that you are using. You can also find high end brands in India that cost over Rs 1000 and contain organic ingredients only. Hair masks also have a similar price range. Hair oils are far cheaper by comparison and can range in price from Rs 50 to Rs 200, depending on the type of oil you are using. Of course, as is the case with shampoos, it all depends on the brand and you can also find high end oil brands that cost a bomb.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?
If you use the products correctly, then the results of the treatment can be permanent. With most beauty based treatments, the trick is to continually use the product, especially if your natural hair type is the opposite of what you want it to be. Gradually, your hair will improve and naturally look much better. But it will always need the help of these products to stay at the top of its game. When it comes to issues like lice and dandruff, the results can be permanent. If lice reoccurs, it is considered a fresh case and not the same one.

What are the alternatives to the treatment?
Instead of using products that are available in the market, you can use home remedies to take care of your hair. Coating your hair with mayonnaise is a well-known and commonly used treatment for lice as it suffocates the insects and kills them within a few hours. Similarly, using a mask made of yoghurt, lemon, and turmeric can help you combat dandruff. A mask of yoghurt and raw egg also helps with the same. You can use honey on damp hair to add more moisture to your locks. Dairy based products like sour cream can help you with dry hair, especially in the winter seasons. Finally, you can use cornstarch or cornmeal to absorb the excess oil from your scalp.

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