
Hair Mesotherapy

With the help of modern techniques and equipment, Orchid cosmetic center offers hair mesotherapy for the treatment of hair loss. It is a non-surgical technique in which we use special microneedles to inject highly potent cocktails of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the scalp. This helps in regulating the metabolism of cells and in improving blood circulation, which leads to better absorption of nutrients by the cells. The results are visible within a few weeks with strong and healthy hair growth.
Hair mesotherapy is suitable for both men and women of all ages who are facing hair loss due to various reasons like aging, hormonal imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiencies, post-pregnancy, genetic factors, or due to any medical condition like diabetes or thyroid problems. This treatment is completely safe with no side effects and is an alternative to surgery or medications.
The working principle of hair mesotherapy is very simple. We use microneedles to inject a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids into the scalp. These nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the cells and help in regulating the metabolism. They also improve blood circulation and increase the absorption of nutrients by the cells. This leads to better growth of hair follicles and stronger, healthier hair growth.
The treatment is usually given in a series of sessions depending on the severity of hair loss. Each session lasts for about 30 minutes. There is no downtime after the procedure, and you can resume your regular activities immediately. The results are visible within a few weeks with strong and healthy hair growth.
Hair mesotherapy is a safe and effective treatment with no side effects which gives you fuller, thicker, and healthier hair within a few weeks. So why wait? Book an appointment today!